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See how a pros adjust carb/throttle synchron: Dsynch2 best VIDEO

from v1.0.21.0 software version PC identify 4 or 6 channel hardware and open proper screen.


Dsnyh2, 4 channels deviceDsynch2/66 chanel creen

Dsynch2: 4 channel device                                                                                                 Dsynch2/6: 6 channel device

Dsynch2 main screen:


Dsynch not a simple Digital balance tool. It is for intake system and engine diagnostic. You can discover engine condition: IN & EX valves performance monitoring, throttle body condition, engine condition, idle speed mixture diagnostic.

Printing evidence for your customer satisfaction:

Some samples of faults screens: (more detalis in user manual)


#3 #4 leaking: upcoming shape differ from #1 #2 Red verical. 200 vacuum open to air.

Note: this tamper-proof instrument require regular internet access: your PC must be connected to the internet for every 10 measurements! If your computer is connected to the Internet, you have nothing to do.

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User manual download: Dsych user manual v09

Dsynch software v. download: Dsynch2, Dsynch2/6 software